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Advantages Provided by Consumers From Internet

iklan disini

iklan disini

abdul patah - “The driving force behind world economic growth has changed from manufacturing volumes to improving consumer value. As a result, the key success factor for many firms is maximizing customer value "(Cronin, 1995). For some companies, the benefits of the internet arising from the ability to maintain customer loyalty, anticipating future customer needs, responding to consumer concerns, and improve customer service. From the consumer point of view, the company can consistently deliver the best, by keeping the needs of individual consumers, maintaining market trends, providing relevant information in an interesting, at any time, anywhere, in multiple media, and provide services according to customer needs

The foregoing shows the reason why so many companies invest in information technology is quite high and complex system of interconnected computer networks, considering the company is looking for customers via the Internet. Because the needs of consumers is growing very rapidly, the company hopes to communicate with customers via the Internet. So the internet is the strategy and provide an opportunity for companies large and small to offer quickly with low costs, respond to products and services with high quality according to the needs of consumers. The Internet makes a new channel for interactive communication between customers in, sellers, and other business associates. This allows companies to interact and work together continuously in product development, marketing, delivery, service, and technical support.

iklan disini
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