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Seaweeds make healthy heart

iklan disini

iklan disini

The heart is one of the most important organs in the body and is the main motor in the blood flow. Therefore, it's important to maintain a healthy heart. Efforts to do is to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, balanced diet and exercise regularly.

One of the other ways that might potentially help heart health is the consumption of seaweed. Scientists have identified that algae (seaweed) has great potential as a heart-healthy food ingredients.

The article was published the Journal of Agricultural and food chemistry states, seaweed can compete with dairy products as a source of nutrients called "bioactive peptides".

Researchers consisting of Dr. Mary Hayes, Ciaran Fitzgerald, Eimear Gallagher and Deniz Tasdemir of the Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ireland conducted a study on the utilization of seaweed as a source of protein that has properties such as bioactive peptides.
"Bioactive peptides" which are found in dairy products, not only provide nutrients, but also have the same effect with the drug and prevent certain diseases.

Seaweed is also known as a macroalga alternative food sources are rich in nutrients. Communities in East Asia and other cultures have for centuries eating seaweed.
A review of 100 studies concluded that seaweed contains proteins that work as boiactive peptides in dairy products. Bioactive peptides are useful for lowering blood pressure and is similar to the popular ACE inhibitors.

"Various species marcoalga and environment in which they are located as well as the ease of cultivation make seaweed has not been studied as a relatively new bioactive compounds. Need for more effort to exploit its potential for use and marketed in the consumer food products," the researchers said in their report
iklan disini
1 Komentar untuk "Seaweeds make healthy heart"

yeah, seaweed is the most important that i'll serve in the sunday morning

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